拉斯维加斯名人 shines a light on the diverse communities and lesser-known individuals who helped to shape 拉斯维加斯's vibrant, 丰富多彩的文化历史. 这幅壁画, 它横跨101英尺长的十大买球平台北画廊墙壁, 特点多样, 专注的,有时被忽视的偶像阵容,包括开拓性的歌舞女郎, 激情演出, 民权斗士, 令人眼花缭乱的设计师和更多. 这幅壁画 also gives a nod to those keeping the longstanding craft of neon bending alive to ensure our city continues to glow. Read more below to learn about these luminaries and their accomplishments that lit the way to a more inclusive and equitable future for the citizens of 拉斯维加斯 and beyond.


Delcenia Boyd Jones |先锋舞者


图片由UNLV特别收藏提供 & Archives

Delcenia (Boyd) Jones (1938-2019) was among the first chorine dancers to work at the Moulin Rouge Hotel and Casino, 拉斯维加斯第一家主要的种族融合赌场, 它于1955年5月开业. The finest Black dancers and entertainers from around the country were hired to play to packed audiences at the Moulin Rouge's popular nightly performances, 以持续到黎明而闻名. Racial segregation kept Black and white patrons from mingling together at properties downtown or on the Strip, 但欢迎观看《十大买球平台》的观众喝酒, dine, 以一种在拉斯维加斯前所未见的方式跳舞和擦肩. 博伊德的肖像被用于宣传红磨坊的许多便利设施, 包括泳池边的豪华休息室. 这张泳池边的照片在当时是开创性的, 因为在红磨坊之前,没有非洲裔美国人被允许在拉斯维加斯度假胜地的泳池边. 1955年10月红磨坊突然关闭, 那些背井离乡搬到拉斯维加斯的艺人被迫在其他地方找工作. Delcenia and her sister Theodora were hired by legendary swing-era bandleader Cab Calloway to dance as a "Cotton Club Beauty" in his traveling revival show, 《靠谱的体育网站》." The traveling show became so popular that Calloway and his orchestra (including the Boyd sisters) were invited to play a residency at the Royal Nevada in 1957. 在拉斯维加斯度过一段时间后,德尔塞尼娅继续攻读科学和社会工作硕士学位. 她倡导民权, 妇女权利和人权,并参加了1963年在华盛顿为工作和自由游行. 在全国有色人种协进会工作期间,她遇到了她的丈夫本杰明·琼斯. Delcenia于2019年去世,享年81岁.


自由| Mr. 的窍门



列勃拉斯(1919 - 1987), 出生时的名字是Wladziu Valentino Liberace, 作为钢琴家和歌手而成为明星. 他在拉斯维加斯的许多地方演出,包括1955年里维埃拉的开幕. Liberace was a famously flamboyant Vegas headliner and during the 1950s-1970s was recognized as the highest paid entertainer in the world at that time. 他夸张的风格为他赢得了娱乐界偶像的地位,并获得了“奥巴马先生”的称号. 的窍门.” He resided in 拉斯维加斯 for a time and eventually founded the Liberace Foundation that holds many items from his performances including crystal studded pianos, cars, 和服装.

Today, The Liberace Foundation for the Performing and Creative Arts presents artifacts that showcase the king of stagecraft. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.列勃拉斯.org





Vegas Vic is a character commissioned in the 1940s by the 拉斯维加斯 Chamber of Commerce as part of the city’s western-themed marketing efforts.  他出现在各种平面广告和霓虹灯招牌上. 其中一个霓虹灯版本的维加斯维克可以看到内华达州汽车旅馆的标志在十大买球平台的墓地. The larger and more well-known sign that once waved and said ‘Howdy Podner’ remains at the Pioneer Club on Fremont Street.


小萨米·戴维斯. 维加斯的头条人物和民权先锋



小萨米·戴维斯. (1925-1990)在很小的时候就开始和他的家人一起在威尔·马斯汀三重奏中表演. 他凭借舞蹈、歌唱和演技而成为明星. 1944年,当他第一次在拉斯维加斯演出时,大多数场地都是种族隔离的. At that time the properties that booked him would relegated him to enter through the kitchen to perform for white audiences. 演出结束后,他不允许去赌场赌博,也不允许住旅馆. 由于演出地点被隔离,他曾数次拒绝演出. 即使是著名的鼠帮成员, 在金沙酒店表演,拍摄《靠谱的体育网站》等大片, 戴维斯仍然受到歧视. 他的努力, 还有许多其他表演者和当地的民权领袖, 帮助整合了拉斯维加斯的赌场. Davis continued to break barriers becoming the first Black man to obtain a Gambling License and part ownership of a major property on the 拉斯维加斯 Strip, 热带酒店和赌场, 在20世纪70年代早期他购买股票的时候. His stardom and pop culture influence assisted in bringing issues of Civil Rights to the forefront and ultimately helped break barriers.





图片由UNLV特别收藏提供 & Archives

肯尼·科尔(1952-2013)成为Boylesque的明星, 一篇女性模仿评论, 周五在银拖鞋赌场的欢乐剧院开幕, May 13, 1977, 科尔被称为“先生”. 芭芭拉·史翠珊. 玛琳·黛德丽. 卡罗·钱宁先生. 戴安娜。罗斯.". 银拖鞋店关门后, 演出搬到了其他著名的地方,比如星尘号, Sahara, Frontier, 广场和黛比·雷诺兹. Boylesque为女性模仿作品设定了新的标准, 并成为拉斯维加斯的知名机构. 尽管支持许多同性恋事业,可儿从未公开出柜. Kerr went on to become one of the 拉斯维加斯 gay community's most thoughtful and honored leaders raising both funds and awareness for AIDS research in the Vegas Valley.





图片由UNLV特别收藏提供 & Archives

让我们面对现实吧, 如果没有这些耸人听闻的招牌,拉斯维加斯就不是拉斯维加斯了, and we wouldn't have our signage without the talented folks who conceptualized and crafted many of the famous signs now on display in our Boneyard. YESCO (Young Electric Sign Company)等标识公司, AD-ART和Federal Signs是标识行业的巨头, 负责塑造拉斯维加斯的天际线,并将标识艺术提升到新的高度(字面上). From cobbling together oversized shoes (seen here with the Sliver Slipper) to hanging twinkling atomic stars, 标志设计, 电工和制造者既是艺术家又是工程师. 这些无名英雄的综合技能赋予了拉斯维加斯标志性的光芒.





首席酒店法院位于东弗里蒙特街,这个标志可以追溯到大约20年前.1940年是拉斯维加斯最古老的. 这个标志是印第安人与“旧西部”概念联系在一起的浪漫化形象的一个例子.“首席酒店庭院的标志设计被认为是盗用自艾奇逊, Topeka, 圣达菲铁路线和汽车. In 1939, 拉斯维加斯利用这种对西部的怀念来推销自己“仍然是一个边疆小镇”。. The proliferation of the Old West narrative in 拉斯维加斯 and at 首席酒店法庭 contributed to the perpetuation of stereotypical Native American imagery which is still found advertisements and sports teams across the United States. 这个标志描绘的是典型的平原印第安人图案,而不是当地的派尤特人. The sign inadvertently served to erase the presence of the native people living in the area and substituted a stereotype. 拉斯维加斯派尤特人部落, 南派尤特人的祖先, 早在拉斯维加斯建立之前就生活在这片土地上,并将继续生活在这片土地上. 从那以后的几十年, 拉斯维加斯派尤特人追求经济上的成功和保留地面积的扩大, 最初经营烟草生意,近年来经营高尔夫度假村和大麻药房.

内容开发与威廉鲍尔, 圆谷印第安部落的瓦拉奇和康沃尔, 历史学教授, 内华达大学, 拉斯维加斯


Paul Revere Williams |创造历史的建筑师


图片由 约翰逊出版公司档案. 福特基金会,J. 保罗·盖蒂信托,约翰·D. 凯瑟琳·T. 麦克阿瑟基金会,安德鲁·W·. 梅隆基金会和史密森学会.

建筑师保罗·里维尔·威廉姆斯(Paul Revere Williams, 1894-1980)是第一位非裔美国人, 后来的同事, 美国建筑师协会(AIA). Williams learned to draw upside-down in order to accommodate his early clients who were uncomfortable sitting next to a person of color. 由于他的好莱坞客户,他被称为“明星建筑师”, 他还在南方设计了各种风格的建筑和开发项目

加州和拉斯维加斯,包括拉孔查汽车旅馆, 现在是十大买球平台游客中心. 他在拉斯维加斯的其他项目包括守护天使大教堂, 伯克利广场, 皇家内华达和卡佛公园.





Robert Venturi/Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates, Inc

丹尼斯·斯科特·布朗(b.1931年),教育家、建筑师、城市规划师和作家. 1972年,她与人合著了 向拉斯维加斯学习 罗伯特·文丘里和史蒂文·伊泽努尔. 这本具有里程碑意义的出版物代表了对拉斯维加斯建筑和标志的详细研究, and introduced ideas like the Decorated Shed (a simple building known more for its signs and décor rather than architectural design) and the Duck (a building designed as a symbol such as a duck-shaped building).






Betty Willis (1923-2015) was one of the only women employed in the sign industry in 拉斯维加斯 during the 1950s. She is most well-known for designing the “Welcome to Fabulous 拉斯维加斯” sign as well as signs for the Moulin Rouge and the Blue Angel Motel.



Raul Rodriguez |标识设计师



Artist Raul Rodriguez (1944-2015) used his creativity to design over 500 parade floats including many for the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, 加州. While working with Heath and Company in 1976 he designed the trademark pink signage for the Flamingo hotel that are on display throughout The Neon Museum. 人们经常看到他和他的风信子金刚鹦鹉塞巴斯蒂安一起工作.


Oscar Gonzalez | Neon Bender


霓虹博物馆图片集| Stephen Siwinski

奥斯卡·冈萨雷斯(b).1978年,他在墨西哥哈利斯科州瓜达拉哈拉的一家霓虹灯公司扫地,开始了他的职业生涯. 多年来,他使霓虹灯弯曲的艺术臻于完美, 一个久经考验的, 然而,很少有人练习在明火上塑造玻璃以创造明亮的艺术形式, 美丽的标志既是指路的,也是发光的杰作. 他现在为拉斯维加斯的哈特劳尔标识公司(Hartlauer Signs)加工玻璃. 奥斯卡为十大买球平台展出的许多作品制作了霓虹灯管, 包括蒂姆·伯顿的《十大买球平台》展览中的同名塔和修复的红磨坊标志. 他的作品在拉斯维加斯山谷随处可见.


十大买球平台艺术家| Nanda Sharif pour和Ali Fathollahi


霓虹博物馆图片集| Stephen Siwinski

The 拉斯维加斯名人 Mural was conceptualized by Stephen Siwinski and painted by 拉斯维加斯 residents Nanda Sharif-pour and Ali Fathollahi. The husband-and-wife artist team creating the mural are originally from Iran and moved to the United States in 2012 as refugees. 从那时起, 他们参与了南内华达州的许多公共和私人艺术项目, including commissioned murals for Zappos and Get Outdoors Nevada (formerly the Outside 拉斯维加斯 Foundation), 赢得了市长城市设计奖. 他们还在里德·惠普尔文化中心安装了詹姆斯·斯坦福设计的大型壁画, 位于十大买球平台的街对面. 在一般情况下, both Sharif-pour and Fathollahi focus their artistic endeavors on using both traditional and non-traditional mediums to explore the viewers’ perception about psychological, 社会学, 文化和政治主题.


历史保护委员会通过出售拉斯维加斯车牌. The




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